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  • Writer's pictureLaurie Price

Gratitude, Kindness, & the Microbiome

They might have more to do with each other than one might think.

I have named my 2022 the year of "Gratitude and Kindness." This is a deeply personal resolution or better stated "resolve" to be kinder and more thankful to all with whom I interact. What does that have to do with the microbiome? Well, I wondered the same thing. In theory, could a calmer, kinder, more joy-filled human house a more healthy, diverse, disease-preventing biome? And, does it even matter? I tend to believe (emphasis on lack of evidence-based wording) that we are all connected and that how we interact with others can make a profound difference in our lives. A positive action, more often than not, yields a positive reaction. So if we increase these positive interactions, perhaps we can contribute to a more creative, productive, healthy, and innovative society. Again, what does this have to do with the microbiome? Well, there are two biomes at play here. As humans, we are part of a "large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat" (Oxford dictionary Biome definition). So we are kind of a macro-biome! And each of us humans carries within and on us our unique microbiomes. I know this all sounds philosophical, and it is. It is just what is on my mind these days. Fundamentally, I believe (that word again) that the better we cultivate and nurture our diverse communities, whether inside or outside of our bodies, the healthier we will be at many levels.

There is some real evidence that gratitude and kindness could help our microbiome. According to this study that looked at the gut microbiome and personality traits, "Diversity analyses of the gut microbiome reveal that people with larger social networks tend to have a more diverse microbiome, suggesting that social interactions may shape the microbial community of the human gut" (Johnson, 2020). And a more diverse microbiome is associated with health. If you are still with me, you might say that it doesn't say anything about gratitude and kindness, and you are right! However, in my experience, gratitude and kindness help grow and strengthen social networks. By extension, this might lead to a more diverse microbiome. If I'm honest, I don't need this to be true to keep this on the top of my new year's resolutions. But I am interested in this interplay with the microbiome and the operations of the gut-brain axis. And, I like the idea that how nice we are to each other contributes to our individual health. My hope is that it also contributes to the health of society. Are you with me?

May your 2022 be filled with health and joy, and may you feel the gratitude and kindness of those around you. I know that I'm thankful for you.

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